Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Running Is Cheap?

I've got $100 in my pocket and I'm off to the mall to look for warm running clothes! I'm also $16 poorer from registering for this Saturday's 10K race (actually, with the long-sleeved t-shirt--non technical though--they have promised, that's a relative bargain).

Who said running is an inexpensive sport??

Today, I'm going to attempt to run 4 miles at 9:40 race pace. If it doesn't go well, I'm going to adjust my time goal. I want to challenge myself but NOT set myself up for failure!! I want to continue to feel good about my sport/hobby/self. :-)

I'm on quite the exercise kick this week. On Sunday evening, I did crunches, arm work with free weights, push ups, and Pilates during the commercials on Desperate Housewives. (Usually just Tivo it, but commercials do have their uses....). I ran Monday, Pilated and ellipticalled yesterday (yes, I know those probably aren't real words), and hope to run today. Is that four days in a row? What's wrong with me??

On a side note, when I did the 100 push up challenge, I could do 25 or 30 in a row and even got up to 103 (done in sets of 25-30) total push ups (boy style). That was in July, I think. Yesterday, I barely squeaked out 12! If you don't use 'em, you really do lose 'em!


Anonymous said...

Between the shoes, the race entries and the other clothes, I spend a ton on running. But, it's cheaper than a therapist...

Stacey said...

Running is NOT a cheap sport/hobby, that's for sure.
Good job on all the exercising! You won't be gaining that 5 lb holiday weight! ( :

tamblair said...

Nothing is cheap anymore!! But you could always try the barefoot method... As far as the push ups go, I cannot even do one regular push up. My son can do like thirty, thanks to football. And that is totally embarssing that my 7 year old can do more push ups than his mom.

Jules said...

I am off to shop today at lunch too!! warm running clothes, here I come!

Run Mommy said...

Just tell yourself that there are hobbies that are WAY more expensive that don't give you the same benefits. Does that help? :)

Kim Hayworth said...

Running def. is not cheap. Ecspecially when you live where I do and you have to travel 1-2 1/2 hours to participate in any kind of running event... you know of course when the 2.1/2 hour events come up you HAVE to stay all night, eat somewhere good (before and After the run. and you have to go to the mall. BUT its so much fun.. have a fab day shopping

How to Run a 5K When You Hate Running

Do you hate running but want to run an upcoming 5K race?  Perhaps you want to support a specific charity close to your heart or have succumb...