Sunday, October 12, 2008

Race Week

Today started my half-marathon race week. It's not a total big deal this time since I've done one before and have run 13.1 twice in the last 5 weeks. I'm as ready as I'm going to be! I wish I were a bit faster, but with the hot weather we've had throughout training, I've had to put lots of walking into my runs. That isn't going to work to my advantage on race day, but I had to train in the conditions I was given. This past weekend the weather was back in the mid-eighties and I had a terrible run on Saturday (only made it 5 of my 7 prescribed miles).

Still, I'm very excited about the race. I know at least 10-15 other runners doing the half-marathon. Hopefully, they won't ALL beat me, but they actually might! I'm just going to run my own race. It's about me doing my personal best, shooting for that PR, not about what anyone else is doing. The time I hope to beat is 2:19:01. The course is a little easier than the one in the Country-Music Half Marathon, so that will work to my advantage. I also won't be ziz-zagging around tons of walkers, nor elbow-to-elbow with 25,000 other runners. This is a tiny race. I also won't have to get up at 4:00 a.m. since the race is right in my hometown. I hope this is all a recipe for success.

Here are my goals:

1. I'll be happy with matching my 2:19:01 or beating it slightly.
2. Hoping for 2:15 or less
3. Finishing in 2:10 would be phenomenal, but is probably not gonna happen.

I took it totally easy last week because of that ankle issue, and now this week is taper. I hope these two easy weeks of running let my body rest, heal, and get ready for Saturday!

P.S. The conference was wonderful. I came back with such a contentedness in my spirit.


tamblair said...

Congrats on the house sale. And I am glad you had a good time at the conference. It is always nice to get away from home for a few days to refresh the soul.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy an easy week and good luck in your race!

Janice {Run Far} said...

I wish I were running the half with you.. I haven't run a race since May...Ugh I am itching to get out there and race again.

Jules said...

GOOD LUCK! Please keep us posted!
I like your 3 goals...I read about that last week, making 3 goal times...but ti said to keep the
1st one a secret to yourself so no one knows...and if you beat it then awesome, LOL

So proud...can't wait to hera about it!

Janice {Run Far} said...

I would totally come to watch the half this week (?) except that we are having company from Utah this weekend. And yes I am planning on the full for the country music... Maybe we can meet up at a half sometime before the Full next April, do you know of any? My sister has me seriously thinking about doing a 50 miler in Utah next June... I think I am crazy cause I think I might try to train and run it... eeks....

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