Thursday, October 23, 2008


I’m done beating myself up about not making my goal finish time by 49 seconds. Why is it that we are so hard on ourselves sometimes?? I was ready to quit running, quit exercising in general, and basically give up on MYSELF. Pretty dramatic, huh? I’m such a goal-oriented person (that’s why I like running and doing races) that I was kind of devastated to pour four months of my life into something and come up short---even 49 seconds short.

Then my husband and some good friends talked some sense into me. They reminded me that I ran 13 miles on Saturday. Not everyone can say they’ve done that. (My husband says there is no way in the world he could ever finish 13, but I disagree.) I actually ran 13.1 miles three times in the last 6 weeks, that’s three half-marathons in two months! And hello, I got a PR! Just what the heck was I whining about? I think I’ll blame it all on the FEMALE CATCH-ALL FOR INSANE BEHAVIOR: HORMONES!

One thing that caught me off guard on Saturday was that I really was in pain and struggling some in the last three miles. Maybe running three half-marathon distances that close together wasn’t the smartest move I ever made. Maybe I shouldn’t have tried to stay with my pace group when they were running faster than we were supposed to go in the first 6 miles. Maybe I should have done a little more (ok, any AT ALL) cross-training on my days off of running just to build up my endurance levels a bit more.

Looking ahead: For the next couple of months, I’ll be running mostly six-milers or less. I’ll hit some pilates and yoga classes. Maybe do a little more strength training. In January it all starts over again. The Country Music Half-Marathon is April 25, 2009 and I’m going to run a 2:10 if it kills me.

Bob Glover, author of The Competitive Runner's Handbook, writes, "Feeling worthwhile as an athlete doesn't come easily. Whether you run a 5-minute or a 10-minute mile, are twenty years old or sixty. You strive to do your best just like the Elites up front. Feel proud of yourself as a runner. Don't compare yourself to others and feel substandard." Thanks, Bob. I needed to hear that.


Run Mommy said...

That is the right attitude! Like you, I recently posted about my mental breakdown so I am inspired to read that others have them too. Good for you for readjusting your thinking. :)

Jules said...

thanks for your comments...BUT. lol. your comment about your 1st 10k scared me lol....but I should be fine...b/c I think you can also WALk this 10 k and hopefully some people are doing that! :)

Jannie Funster said...

It's all so relative, isn't it? if I run 3 miles a week, 4x I feel on top of the world.

I guess just taking the time to "be" once in a while does wonders for the soul.

tamblair said...

You should be proud of yourself!! Besides, not meeting your exact goal gives you something to continue working toward. But I think I would have to get over the forty-something seconds and call it a victory!! Like your husband said - YOU RAN 13 MILES!!!

Janice {Run Far} said...

You Rock Girl. We all have moments like that. Keep up the running but no need to push till January.
ABout your question over on my blog... I should be in training now for a marathon in Feb I want to do, but I am having trouble with motivation right now. So for the counrty Music I will get serious in Jan... I am itching to run a marathon though, so I hope I can get it together for a Feb Marathon.

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