Monday, June 23, 2008

30 Minutes of Heaven

Do you ever have one of those days that is so jam-packed you think, "I guess I can find 30 minutes to workout. Maybe." Today between dropping the kids off at Vacation Bible School, grocery shopping, and doing a little computer-work, I figured I could carve out 30 minutes for a run. (And apparently 10 minutes to blog!)

I have a confession to make: I haven't been real excited about running lately. I'm feeling slow and lacking endurance. The heat has been getting to me. I've been *gasp* kind of bored with it. It pains me to say that because I'm in love with running. We're in a relationship. We just had our one-year anniversary. But my eye has been wandering..... cycling? swimming? elliptical? power walking? They were all looking more appealing than tired old running.

But, today, I'm happy to say I'm back. We've reconciled, running and me. I just needed a little change. I found just what I needed today--- intervals at the track! (Exciting, isn't it?) I dropped off the rugrats and went across the street to my alma mater---Austin Peay State University. One door to the football stadium was unlocked, so I made my way to the wonderfully springy track around the football field. I warmed up for 1/4 mile and then proceeded to run 4 X 400's (that's running speak for running around the 1/4 - mile track 4 times) with 30-45 seconds recovery between laps. It was so much fun. I tried to go faster each time. My first lap was 2:03, and the rest of the laps were under 2:00. People, that's an 8-minute mile for me and that's amazing! My best friend Garmin said I averaged a 7:43 pace (I turned it off during my recovery periods) and my fastest pace was 6:16. I don't think I've ever hit 6:16 before. The track is clearly MAGIC.

So, after a cool-down lap, I was feeling so great, I decided to run the bleachers. (Thanks, Kelle, for putting these ideas in my head.) I ran up the bleachers 4 times. I walked down each time because at this point I was light-headed from the lightning-fast speed and 80-degree temperature and I didn't want to break my neck. By the way, there aren't that many bleachers---it's a small school with a small stadium and almost no football program--- so it wasn't crazy-hard or anything.

Then, I was only at 1.5 miles, so I took a slow jogging tour of the campus. I ran past my beloved library, past a couple of dormitories where I'd lived, and just enjoyed the memories. I found a shady spot to stretch and I was done. It was thirty minutes of heaven.


Reluctant Runner said...

Y'know my running motivation always drops off in the summer. I think summer can actually be busier for moms, plus I'm with you on the heat. I usually eke out 1 or 2 runs a week during the summer ... then my motivation seems to pick up in the fall. I think it's important to have a fall goal race.

This year, I'm trying to buck that trend and keep in good running form all through the summer. One (very vain) motivation: I bought a gorgeous dress that "just fits" for a wedding I'm attending in July and I can't afford to gain an ounce!! Not sure how noble a motivator that is, but I guess I'll take it where I can get it. So maybe you should buy a really hot pair of shorts that you have to work hard to look good in? :-)

jen walters said...

hello! I just got on my *dusty* blog and saw an old post from you... so, I read your most recent post.

I've decided that I really need to get back to blogging!!!

So, good for you for running up bleachers!... I don't care how small they are. :) that is great! I want to start running again. I did it three years ago and then just stopped after 2 5k's. I had to walk them a bit and got discouraged.

Anyways, keep up the good work! You are an inspiration. :)

RunnerMom said...

RR- I agree. My fall race training starts next week. There is a group of us training for a half in October. I'm so excited!

Run 4 My Life-- My blog was getting a little dusty lately, too. I've walked in every 5K I've ever done (except one--my slowest one!) and still PR'd in each one. Nothing wrong with walking!

Emily Doss said...

I immediately correlated this with my relationship with God. Sometimes we feel as though we are in a slump, then we do something a little different or start a new Bible study and we are rekindled with our first love! :)

How to Run a 5K When You Hate Running

Do you hate running but want to run an upcoming 5K race?  Perhaps you want to support a specific charity close to your heart or have succumb...