Thursday, November 15, 2007

Psyching myself out

Ok, I'm getting nervous about Saturday's 8K. Five miles is a long flippin' way. And my run today was awful. And my ankle still hurts. I've run 5 miles and 6 miles once each, but never going in with a sore ankle. I'm starting to panic a little. What if I start hurting out in the middle of nowhere? I'd hate to be the one someone has to come pick up and drive back to the start. I'm probably just freaking myself out. I ran 1.5 today and my ankle's only a little sore. I just took ibuprofen. I guess if I wind up walking it part of the way, that'll be ok. I just don't want to limp in pain for like four miles!! I'll update after the race.....


katieo said...

Good luck today! :)

RunnerMom said...

Thanks, Katie! I made it 5 miles in 51:14, which I was happy with. I came in 74th out of 118. My knee and ankle were fine, thank goodness. It was tougher (and less fun) than expected. I think I may stick to 5K's! I'm pretty sure the half marathon is off the table, and I'm ok with that.

How to Run a 5K When You Hate Running

Do you hate running but want to run an upcoming 5K race?  Perhaps you want to support a specific charity close to your heart or have succumb...