Thursday, November 1, 2007

Candy and Joy

We got LOADS of candy last night. So now, the issue is---Let them eat it all at once and make themselves sick or divvy it out day by day? I think I'd really just like it out of my house. One night of tooth decay is better than months of it, am I right??

Oh, did I mention, I can't stop eating it? Let's see, what did I have today? One Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. Several Smarties. Gum. Ok, that's not as bad as I thought. And I ran 3.5 miles.

On a different note, yesterday a gal I've known for 2 or 3 years said something I want to remember. She said that having my 3rd child has made me younger, that I just seem so much more full of life. Wow! At 37, seeming younger is a great thing. I told her that Julia brought joy back into my life. She said that it exudes from me.

This really meant the world to me. A couple of years ago, my pastor gave me a book on discovering joy in my life. I think he sensed I'd lost mine. It's different now. He said to me at church the other day, "Julia has brought life back into your house." She sure has.

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