Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I have discovered that having a hobby isn't cheap. Race entries are usually $25 a pop, my shoes are $100 to $115 every few months, special sweat-wicking clothes (even from Tar-jhay they add up!), bamboo socks, and now, my new personal favorite---a trainer!!!

I figure I've come as far as I can on my own and I really want to run stronger, longer, and smarter. And less pain would be nice. So, I joined a local running store's Intermediate 5K to 10K running team. It is a nine-week program. There will be eight of us. We'll have training logs, group runs, and most importantly, feedback from someone in-the-know. Did I mention the matching shirts? All of this for the low, low price of $75.

Here's my trainer's bio from the ad for the program: (it scares me a little)

Mike is the coach for the Intermediate Group. He is active duty military with 14 years of service. He was formerly an Army Medic and has been trained as an Army Master Fitness Trainer and loves all aspects of physical fitness. He has been active in sports his whole life and finds his real interest in Triathlons. Mike has competed in triathlons ranging from sprint distance to the full Ironman distance. His coaching philosophy is all about getting people to become active, having fun and enjoying what they are doing.

Ok, that part about having fun is not too scary. I start on Saturday!

Honestly, all the things running has brought to me---


those things are PRICELESS.


Tall Girl Running said...

Hi Donna,

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving your kind compliments! I'm always excited to meet a new runner and feel of the same enthusiasm and spirit we share for this sport. Running has been, hands down, the best thing I have ever done for myself. It's become my passion in life... and everyone needs a passion, right? Best of luck to you in your endeavors; whether it's a 5K or that half-marathon you're eyeing sometime down the road, the rewards that come from training and crossing a finish line are far-reaching and life-changing. I look forward to following your success stories!

katieo said...

Oh my gosh! That running group sounds so awesome!

And I know what you mean about the price. That's one reason I haven't gotten more into running. I KNOW I need new shoes (so does hubby), I'd love to get a nike sport kit, need some new running gear, (It's cold out!), etc. fun to run. not fun to spend so much money. (Although I guess I'm lucky, our race was $9)

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