Friday, December 12, 2008

Going for 600?

Wow, I finally added up my mileage. A couple of months were missing when I gave up keeping up my log, but I estimated (probably on the low side) what I ran those months.

I'm at 559 miles as of today. I'm supposed to do 8 tomorrow and 16-18 per week for the next two weeks. That puts me on track to hit the 600 mark by New Year's Eve--just barely. Of course, that's barring illness, injury, sick children, and school's out starting next Thursday....

But I do like nice, even, round numbers.


Anonymous said...

Good job and good luck getting to 600. I have about the same number to get to my goal.

Bethany said...

WOW, that is great! I'm sure you can get in those last miles. Harriet doesn't sound familiar, but there are/have been so many faculty around campus, it's hard to keep up! Oh yes, I know where Clarksville is. My family goes up to LBL a lot for hunting and four wheeling. You've also got quite the football team! I love high school football, our best friend is a coach ;) Have a great weekend!

Janice {Run Far} said...

good luck with the 600.. I wish I had kept better track of my miles through this year. I did train and run for two full marathons this past spring but since moving to Ky, the miles decreased.

tamblair said...

You make me sick... I think I did like four miles all year. No, I did more than that, but I am just envious of those who just run like it's so easy. And poor pathetic me that just didn't cut it as a runner. I'll get over it, though.

Jules said...

so proud of you! You are doing so well. What a great accomplishment.

I need to get out of my funk and et my mileage going.

Stacey said...

Good luck with 600. You are doing great! Keep it up!
Have a great weekend!

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