Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not THAT Hard Core

I had a race today. I paid $25 to pre-register on Tuesday. I did all the required speed work and tempo runs the last two weeks. I was so ready.

Then on Thursday, I started sneezing. I had that telltale tickle in the back of my throat that kept me awake all night. My sinuses closed up. I had a headache that wouldn't go away. All day on Friday, I tried to tell myself it was just allergies, but my energy was completely sapped. (I don't think allergies do that.) So, maybe it's a cold, maybe it's a the beginning of a sinus infection.

I woke up this morning after another sleepless night of not being able to breathe hoping to feel better. I showered and put on my new running tights and new Nike shirt. I looked the part, but I sure didn't feel it. I even pinned my race number on, got in my car and drove about one mile before reality set in. I realized as I was driving that I could hardly keep my eyes open, I couldn't breathe through my nose AT ALL, and my head and ears were aching. Plus, it was windy, only about 40 degrees, and raining. I came to my senses and turned the car around.

I'm a pretty dedicated runner. I've run in 90 degrees and 19 degrees. I've run on no sleep before. But RACING an 8K in the rain with a head cold? I'm not THAT hard core!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I've done rain and I've done head cold. Not sure I'd do both! Hope you feel better quickly!

Legs and Wings said...

Hope you feel better soon. I've run sick and it actually seemed to clear my head. The cold wind and rain would have done you much good though.

Rest up. No regrets.

Run Mommy said...

Probably a good choice - there will be lots of other runs. I hope you feel better!

Jules said...

sorry you missed the run...I know that was a bummer...i would have been PO'ed...but you did the right thig! Take care of yourself...or you could have been in worse shape!!

Stacey said...

Bummer. Hope you feel better! How is the move going?

RunToTheFinish said...

oh man I was in the same boat. I even thought I was going to turn around while standing at the starting line..I don't know why I ran, now I'm sicker.

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