Friday, February 1, 2008

Advice for New Runners

I borrowed this from Vanilla at (the funniest running blog I've come across)

He begins,

...... let me first give you one universal piece of advice that should be heeded by all new runners: Quit. That’s right, just quit. Seriously. Just stop before you get addicted. Leave now while you still can.

It’s too late for me, heck it’s too late for most of the regulars who read and comment here at Half-Fast, but it’s not too late for you rookie runner with the brand spankin’ new shoes.

Save yourself while you still can. You’ll save yourself hundreds of dollars in race fees, technical running gear, cold weather gear, hot weather gear, reflective gear, rain gear not to mention the amount of money you’ll end up spending replacing your running shoes every 400 - 500 miles.

You’ll feel guilty when you skip a run. Your toenails will turn black and fall off, and what’s even worse is that you’ll be happy about it as though it was some sick rite of passage. Your grocery budget will be consumed by gels and Gatorade. You’ll get so obsessive about your mileage, your pace, and your heart rate that you’ll spend hours pouring over your training log.

You’ll need to purchase a Garmin (another couple hundred dollars at least) to keep better track of your training runs and to analyze your running in greater depth.

People will look at you like you’re crazy because you ARE crazy for thinking about taking up running.

You’ll start reading running blogs, then you’ll start commenting on running blogs, and before you know it you’ll start your own running blog. Your chief worry will be what you’re going to blog about if you don’t run, and you’re going to have to be consistent with your blogging in order to make “blogging running friends.”

You’re thinking “no, it won’t happen to me. I can quit whenever I want to, I won’t fall that deeply into it.” You fool. It already has happened to you. You’re already past the point of no return. Need further proof? You’re still here reading this post aren’t you? Wouldn’t a sensible person have left long ago, somewhere around the missing toenails ....... Welcome to the club... sucker. Now go start a blog already. "

Love it!! Vanilla KNOWS running.

P.S. If you notice a change in the colors/format, it was because the pink was giving me a headache.

1 comment:

rUntoNamAste said...

Haha this entry is great and oh so TRUE! I am everything you blogged about *sigh*
-Forever a Running Fool!

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