Monday, February 25, 2008

On the Bright Side.....

Overall, it was not the best weekend. However, I've got to be careful to not lose sight of my blessings in the midst of my troubles. Sure, three out of five were sick this weekend, but we've had a really healthy winter this year, so can I really complain?

And, no, I didn't meet my goal of running 10 miles on Saturday. But should I lose sight of the fact that I ran 9 miles--- my longest distance ever?

I like looking on the bright side of things. It reminds me of an earlier post, which bears repeating. It was a neat quote from The Non-Runner's Marathon Trainer by David A. Whitsett:

"One of the things that has become clear to us through working with people training for the marathon is that in order to maintain a positive attitude about training and running, it is necessary to develop a positive attitude about life in general."

I LOVE that quote. And I'm working on it!

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