Monday, January 14, 2008

Food Fight!

I had a food fight last week. Not a hurling-mashed-potatoes-in-your-face kind of fight, but a battle of wills. My affection for all things bad for me won. I had a meal out almost every day. I had Mexican, Chinese, pizza, Olive Garden, a deep-fried chicken breast smothered in buffalo sauce, tons of chocolate, and so much more. It was ugly.

I have got to be more conscious of what I put into my body. I'm not on a weight-loss kick. I just want to maintain my current weight. I just want to make better choices---- less deep-fried and more grilled, more fresh fruits and vegetables (or ANY kind of veggies), just healthier fare all around. We'll see how it goes....

OTRF (on the running front): Is it possible I'm getting SLOWER? Maybe it's the cold slowing me down. Maybe running against a pretty strong wind held me back. I ran a four-mile tempo run (supposedly race pace) at a 10:15 average pace. Not too good. And honestly, I wish I'd enjoyed it more instead of being so happy when it was over. From an earlier post----I think the ROAD WON this one.

UPDATE: I'm happy with my food choices today. It's 7:15 p.m and I'm done for the day, and I have to say I did ok! Just because I lightly breaded and pan fried some chicken breast tenders in canola oil for dinner doesn't mean I failed. It was still healthier than, say, McDonald's! I might add that the avocado quesadilla on a multigrain tortilla I made myself for lunch was not as yummy as I'd hoped. The one I had last week at Ruby Tuesday was much, much better.

Starting tomorrow, at the end of the day I'll post a Good Eats section to detail my successes and failures in the food fight.


katieo said...

I so know what you mean about the healthier choices. I know you're not doing the whole weight loss thing, but the two things that have really helped me are 1)planning out my meals, especially dinners. 2) keeping a food journal.

(Not that you don't know this stuff, But I just thought I'd throw it out there...)

Mamacita Chilena said...

yum, boneless buffalo wings...

*drools onto her computer

Ok, I need to snap out of it or I will start losing the food fight as well. I was hoping you were talking about slinging mashed potatoes, but this was a good post anyways :)

RunnerMom said...

Katieo--- yep, I plan to sort of journal on here. I'm thinking of a "Good Eats" section to talk about the successes and failures of my fight with food.

Mamacita! So nice to have an international readership (to go with my two stateside readers!). I loved your harrowing tale of your trip to the grocery store. Can't wait to read more of your blog. Thanks for stopping by.

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