Saturday, April 10, 2010

Race Report--Dairy Dash 10K

Dairy Dash 10K Race Report: 59:57, 9:35/pace average on Garmin

I went out too fast. Mile 1 was 9:16 pace. Should have run closer to 9:25 or 9:30 for that. Mile 2 was 9:30, Mile 3 was 9:26, Mile 4 was 9:43, Mile 5 was 10:01 (???), Mile 6 was 9:37, .25 (race was a little long from ziz-zagging around walkers) was 9:15--- not much of a surge in that last .25!

It was not a fun race for me. It was a hard effort to run in the 9:30 range with the mid-60's temps. I had hoped to average under 9:30. Course was mostly flat except for one hill and there was a 1/2 mile segment off road in loose gravel.

My last 10K was a 9:23 pace with a few rolling hills for a 58:23 finish a year and a half ago. I was a minute and a half slower today. I guess 7 weeks post-marathon, I'm not totally recovered. OR all these 10-minute miles I'm running don't translate well into the race times I want! My legs never really felt energetic and springy today.

I didn't know at the time that I was going out too fast. I thought 9:16 might be a good 10K goal pace, but I do know to EASE into race pace. I just didn't! If I had gone out 10-15 seconds easier in mile one, I think I could have avoided the dreaded 10-minute mile in mile 5 when the accumulation of lactic acid caught up with me!

Oh well, sometimes it's your day and sometimes it isn't! On to my next race.... a 5K on May 8! And I will be running some 9 minute miles these next three weeks!

The COOLEST THING about the May 8 race is my mom is going to walk it. She's about to turn 62 and she's doing her very first 5K. She's training and everything! She walked 2 miles a day every day this week. I can't wait to see her cross the finish line!


Unknown said...

I love it that your mom is walking the race. That will be so fun! I like your attitude, sometimes it's your day and sometimes i'ts not. I totally get that! You have another one right around the corner!

Janice {Run Far} said...

I havent run a 10K in years... or a 5K... hmmm, weird. Cool that mommy dearest is walking the 5K. When is your next marthon?

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

Sorry you didn't feel a spring in your step, but congrats on finishing! You got some race experience in - always good!

Unknown said...

I feel like I goaded you into that Donna! Ugh! At least your experience wasn't like mine last year. I ran next to this 20 year old guy who kept threatening to barf every other mile, because he had been partying all night, the night before. Then he had the gall to pass me and beat me across the line! Yes, I lost to the hung-over guy. I was not amused.

Wendy said...

Great job!

That's awesome about your mom too!

EricaH said...

Great job, sorry it wasn't a fun race for you, how exciting your mom will be doing your next race with you that is wonderful. :)

How to Run a 5K When You Hate Running

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