I now think I fully understand the term "bonking." I bonked not once, but twice today on my last (Thank You, God) 20-miler.
I started the run with a group of about 10-12 people from my running club. Everyone except for about four of us was running between 10 and 13 miles. The four of us were training for the full, so we had to do 20 today. They all started out pretty fast. I tried to monitor my pace in those first few miles, but I really had two choices:
1) Go too fast and keep up with the group, but pay the price later. OR
2) Run alone in the backwoods of Tennessee and get eaten by dogs. (I had run this route before and there are 3 VERY aggressive dogs on it. And I forgot my mace.)I chose Option 1. When I hit the six-mile point in about 59 minutes, I knew I was running somewhere between 10K pace and half-marathon pace. I was nowhere near marathon-training pace, so I knew the end of my run was
NOT going to be good. I finally came to my senses, grabbed a handful of rocks (to pelt the dogs if necessary) and put them in my pocket, and started running
my pace. I was bringing up the rear, but so what? Somebody has to.
Around the 10-mile point, I recognized the house where the three scary BIG dogs live. I found a large tree branch on the ground and, looking like a complete idiot, started running with it in my hand.
So I now had rocks and a tree. It wasn't long before they ran out, barking their heads off, and seemed to try to take a bite out of the runner about 30 yards in front of me. She stopped and told them, "No" and "Go home." They were literally close enough to take a nip out of her, but they finally retreated and began to lay in wait for the next runner--me.
I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I hoped the old saying, "dogs can smell your fear" wasn't accurate. With the same aggressive behavior, one of the three came after me. I held up my tree and yelled at him the same way the other runner had. The tree made him think twice, and he didn't come out nearly as close to me as he had the other runner. It's a good thing because I would have fainted.
And they would have eaten me. (All three dogs had necks the size of my waist.)
I was comfortable at a 10:15 to 10:45 pace for the remainder of the first 13.1 miles. I even passed a couple of runners! (
It's good to NOT be last.) I finished the half-marathon point at around 2:16. At the 13.5 mile point, I had two friends waiting to run with me the last few miles. That was really motivating. I had run most of the 13 alone (unless you count Cujo?) and I was ready to be around people. I stopped by my car for a minute or two, got my 1/2 peanut butter and honey sandwich and refilled my fuel belt with Cytomax, and we were off for the last 6.5.
I started out all chatty and at a good pace, and then
BAM! At 16 miles, I hit a mini-wall. One minute I was cruising along at about a 10:15 pace, feeling fine, the next minute I was dragging at an 11:30 pace with
great effort. I walked for a few seconds and took my 4th and last GU with caffeine. (Honestly, I was surprised the fatigue and lactic acid build up didn't hit until mile 16. I KNEW I had to pay the price for those first 6 miles being too fast at some point. At least it wasn't at 11 or 12!)
I recovered around 17 and 18 somewhat. I thought, "Maybe that was just a little rough patch?" My friend Lana and I were having an interesting chat about running club stuff and it took my mind off of everything for a bit. But it was short-lived.
BOOM! At 19, the wall reared it's ugly head again. This time it was bigger and harder. I seriously started bonking. I would take little walk breaks, and my friend would jog circles around me (literally). But I knew that was the only way I was going to finish. By mile 20, I was doing the "dead man's shuffle" when I wasn't walking.
Having started out at a 9:45 pace for mile 1, I looked at my Garmin and was sad to see myself finishing up that 20th mile in..... 12:46.
Not exactly the way to do it on race day in three weeks! On race day, I'll be more careful not to start too fast, be more consistent, and run smarter. I know I can do it---I ran my last half-marathon like that.
Today just wasn't my day. At least there are no dogs in downtown Nashville. ARE THERE???
Final time: 3:37:57 Those 4:45-and 5:00-hour pace groups are looking better and better!
HEEELLLOOO TAPER!!!!!!!! I think I love you.