Friday, June 21, 2013

Bad Decisions Make the Best Stories

I read a quote recently, "Bad decisions make the best stories."   I've got some pretty good stories!  I hope this weekend isn't one of them.   I recently signed up for a trail marathon on a whim.  It is a Run It Fast Club event.  It is cheap, relatively close by, and involved cool people.  How could I not?

The Backass Jackal Trail Marathon in Jackson, TN only has 25 participants-- and only 3 or 4 of them are women!   It is basically self-supported, no port-o-John, and a relatively easy trail, technically speaking.   We will repeat a 3.75 mile loop until we hit 26.2.

I hope to do a little better than the last mudfest of a marathon.  7:08 or some ridiculous time.  Pouring rain.  Standing water.  Mud, mud, and then more mud! Resorting to crawling up a slippery incline.  Woefully undertrained.  This time, I've got a 27-mile trail run (the aforementioned marathon where I got slightly lost), a bunch of trail four milers, and an, ahem, ultra marathon of 38.5 miles under my belt.  Oh, and comfortable trail shoes, finally!

So what am I worried about???  Oh, a little thing called the heat index of 100 at noon (the 5 hour mark) and 103 at 1:00 pm, when I will likely (hopefully?)  finish.

The key is to run smart (I'm not known for that), hydrate, fuel, and not push too hard.  Maybe someday, I will see what I can  really do on a trail.

After Backass, I get to start training with elite marathoner Justin Gillette.  That is scary and exciting at the same time!  Coach Justin has me running six days a week.  That will be a new experience.  Then, in July I will run the Loonies Midnight Marathon for fun (and because I'm a little loony).  I kind of dig these night runs!

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