I have made it successfully to taper. No more long runs (it's nice when an 8 miler is no longer a "long" run), no more speed work, no more 30+ mile training weeks..... for a little while anyway.
My marathon is in 10 or so days. I feel like I have done everything I can to ensure a good race. I have run a15-miler, two 16-milers, an 18-miler, and two 19-milers, so I feel like I'm good on the long run front. No, I didn't run any 20-milers. I think 20-milers are overrated. I like to save anything with a 20 in it for race day! I have done tempo runs, race pace runs, intervals, hills, trails, negative splits, and three different build up half marathon races. I have done fast-finish long runs (at least two or three) and a couple of carb-depleted long runs that I read about in an article by Coach Greg Macmillan of Macmillan Running. They help your body learn to burn fat more efficiently. I included quality with quantity. I hit my "sweet spot" for mileage, which is about thirty-five miles per week. More than that leaves me sluggish and prone to injury. I strength trained to make sure my posterior chain is strong and ready for the hills in Louisville. I miraculously avoided injury. My nutrition has been good. Seriously, what more can I do? I'm about as trained as a 41-year old mom of three can be.
My goals are fairly modest. I suppose I'll write them here to make them official.
A. Goal: (best day ever!) 4:39:59 or better. Believe it or not, that's a fairly aggressive goal for me. That is going to require around a 10:40 pace overall, including any walking through water stops, any bathroom breaks, tying my shoes, etc. That really means running closer to a 10:30 or better. The plan is to keep all early miles between 10:25 and 10:36. It will be HARD to not go out at a 10:15 or so when I'm rested and adrenaline is pumping, but I know a conservative start is key. The point behind my fast-finish long runs was to be able to shift into a different gear the last 5K and really push. The 2nd part of my A. Goal is to FINISH STRONG in that last 5K.
(*My last marathon was 5:09 in June of last year at the Hatfield-McCoy, but I ran it for fun and didn't train properly on purpose. I picked the crazy hilly, hot Hatfield McCoy course because I knew there would be no pressure. It's fun to do a marathon every now and then just for fun!)
B. Goal: Between 4:45 and 4:59:59. I'd just like to come in sub-five, and unless the wheels fall COMPLETELY OFF, that should be doable. I am comparably trained to when I ran a 4:45:52 two years ago in Birmingham. Except this time, I think I'm actually a little better prepared. More quality, fewer slow miles. However, that was a 35-45 degree day and a fairly flat course with an awesome motivator named Reid I met at mile 12. He talked me through a lot of those later miles. I'm looking at a hotter and hillier race this time, but I will at least still have a buddy---my training partner Marlene. We can motivate one another. This would require an overall pace of 10:55 -11:05 or so. If it's a HOT day, if I have stomach issues from all those Gu's and need to make multiple stops, or it's just not my day, I would be happy to meet this B. goal.
C. Goal: 5:17 or better. In my first marathon, it was a hellishly HOT day. 80 degrees at the start. 200 people taken to area hospitals. One guy died. The wheels FELL OFF early--around mile 12. If not for new friend Carol I met on the course around mile 13, I don't know how I would have made it. We shared in the suffering. We kept up our spirits. We told one another our life stories. And we finished. It wasn't a pretty marathon, but we did it. I think my overall pace was 12:15 or something like that, reflecting how much we walked in miles 13-26.
D. Goal: Just to finish unharmed and on my on volition. It may be ugly, but as long as I walk or crawl across that finish line, I have to be ok with it. My running club friend had to drop out of Boston earlier this week due to excruciating pain around mile 7, likely a stress fracture. If something like that did happen to me, I hope I'd have the bravery and good sense he had to just STOP.
Two weeks ago, instead of running another long 18 or 19 miler, I ran the Oak Barrel Half Marathon in Lynchburg, Tennessee. It was THE BEST HALF MARATHON of my life. I went into it with no expectations, just planning on a gentle training run or maybe a tempo run. The course was gorgeous. It was on beautiful country roads. It was a chilly start, and I remember seeing steam coming off a pond in the middle of a pasture in the early miles. The scenery was just amazing. I had many good friends on the course and found all the runners to be very friendly. One whole mile and a half was uphill (Whiskey Hill) around miles 3.8 to 5.2. I never dreamed I'd make it up Whiskey Hill without walking and wasn't even going to try. Many friends had warned me about it. But I was just having one of THOSE days when everything comes together. I felt great. I had held back in the first few miles thinking this was a training run, so when I came to the hill, I was perfectly warmed up. And. I. Conquered. It. I did not walk. I actually counted everyone I passed---I passed 32 people. Everyone around me slowed to a walk at some point on that hill, even when we were 3/4 of the way up it. At about that point, I WANTED to walk, but I knew it was almost over, so I just held on. I think CROSSFIT taught me to "Embrace the Suck" and keep moving. My hilly mile was 10:44 pace. It was one of my proudest moments as a runner!
At the top, I kept moving. After I'd made it through 6 or 8 miles without walking a step, I decided that today I would not walk. In 14 half-marathons, I've walked in all but two, often just for a few seconds through the water stops, but equally as often when I'm just not having a good day or pacing smart. Luckily for me, miles 8-13 were all downhill. After all my long marathon training runs, I felt amazing in those later half-marathon miles. I was posting 9:30's, 9:15 and just felt like I was flying. I was pushing and it felt GOOD. I finished in 2:09, negative splits, and felt like I could indeed run 8 or 10 more at the end. At no time during the race did any negative self-talk thoughts arise. I felt happy, peaceful, content. I just felt truly blessed to be there and to be a runner. Wow, I need more races like THAT!
I would love to hear your comments/advice on the marathon!
After the marathon, I'll have 5 weeks to my 50K. The 50K is seriously just for fun. I don't care if I average 14-minute miles. I just want to finish. And get the sticker.
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What a great post! I can't wait to hear how you do in your marathon, as it seems pretty clear to me that not only are you ready, but you also have realistic goals. I hope you have a wonderful race!!!
Good luck on your next full marathon!
I ran Oak Barrel Half a couple of years ago and it was an awesome race. I'm impressed you ran that whole hill - it just killed me.
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