Saturday, October 16, 2010

Vacation Miles (and Miles of Seafood)

I have been at the beach this past week for fall break. It has been a wonderful time with my kiddos (when they were not fighting and were semi-cooperating) and my husband.
I tried to counteract all the food I've eaten and my pina coloda a day by exercising my butt off!

On the trip down, I did squats and lunges during bathroom breaks. I ran 7 miles one day, 5 miles another, and 4.5 today. I have walked and walked and walked on the beach. (At least 6 miles walking.) I rode the exercise bike in the home gym 8 miles. I did some weights and pull ups. And I'm still up about 5 pounds! But let me tell you what all I ate!

It was UGLY. I basically had a TOUR O' THE SEA--South Alabama style (read deep fried with french fries and coleslaw on the side). I started the first day with a fried grouper sandwich. Throughout the week, I added fried shrimp, boiled shrimp, crab cakes (fried), fried shrimp again, gumbo, fried oysters, blackened mahi mahi (twice), and crab in a Gorgonzola cheese sauce. Then there was the pizza (veggie at least), pasta, tirimisu, and some brownie/ice cream thing with a Kahlua sauce. It's making me sick (and a little sad) just thinking about it.

But at least when I ran, I ran hard for at least a few of the miles. I ran a few under 10-minute miles and some at 10-10:05. That's hard for me these days.

I'm REALLY going to work on the nutrition side of things IMMEDIATELY. I'm reading a book called The Paleo Diet in the car on the way home tomorrow (penance?). It's about eating whole foods---meat, fresh veggies---rather than processed foods including grains, dairy, and basic junk. I want to have a body that is healthy and strong (it is NOT about being skinny) and yet I put crap into it. I want to build more lean muscle and run faster. I know theoretically what to do in terms of strengthening my posterior chain (glutes, hamstrings, calves) to not die on hills anymore and get faster, but I really have been RUNNING TO EAT. Are you like that? I feel like I can eat anything I want as long as I run 15-20 miles a week. But I'm 40 now. That's not going to work for long as my metabolism slows down. I think muscle and the right nutrition will be key.

Anyway, the best part of running this vacay was the run I least felt like doing---today, on our last day. I woke up tired, irritable, and with tired and irritable kids. My husband drove us all over to Gulf State Park (about 2 miles away) and let me out. He proceeded to entertain the kids for the next 50 minutes at a playground while I explored on foot. I ran down unfamiliar roads and trails amongst strangers and wildlife.
I felt better within minutes. There was just one problem:

Seriously, what kind of idiot needs to be TOLD this???? It was a great run.

I'm dreading the 10+ hour drive home (with all our stops) tomorrow. But we really enjoyed this fall break.


Book Worm Runs said...

Ha! Yes, I definitely "run to eat" but I do have to watch it or it does get out of control :o) Glad you had a great vacation and awesome job on getting in some good runs!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great vacation. I right there with the food (eating right). It really isn't about loosing for me either, but being nice to my body and giving it what it needs. I find when I eat right (or as close to "right" as I get) that I do feel better when I run. Keep it up!

chris mcpeake said...

best sign ever

sdowney509 said...

You were on vacation, I would cut yourself a little slack. That being said, I am my own worst enemy with food. If I could not eat like a fool I would be in better shape to be sure!

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