Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Mommy Donna. I'm also more-than-a-mommy. I am a wife. I am a Christian. I'm a runner. I am a former high school English teacher. But, mostly, I'm a mommy. Let me introduce you:
Julia is my baby girl. She is 17 months old today. She's my bonus baby. I had the "perfect" little family with a boy and a girl. But I knew in my heart something was missing. It was Julia. She completed the puzzle.
Annabeth is my middle child. Annabeth is so much like me as a child (and even now). She's amazing and challenging.
Nate is my oldest---my only son. He's creative and complicated. He's so smart, but he was diagnosed with ADHD at age 4. He's in first grade.
Oh, and Chris. He's not one of my kids; he's my hubby, my best friend, my partner for life.

I plan to use this outlet to talk about my successes and failures as a mom, my quest for health and fitness, and just daily life for my family.

1 comment:

katieo said...

Hey dj! So glad you have a blog now!
(and that's SO cute that Julia is scared of her ladybug costume!)
Sounds like you guys are going to have a ton of fun with your neighbors!

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